令全球蘋果迷引頸期待的iPhone 5,終於在美國時間9月12日10點於舊金山推出,
iPhone 5外型採用雙色鋁合金玻璃,重量只有112公克,規格上比前一代薄18%輕20%,
全新連接器Lightning等規格,iPhone 5的推出對於後賈伯斯時代的蘋果來說,
以下是iPhone 5的詳細規格。
iPhone 5規格表:
◎A6處理器 ◎16/32/64GB硬碟容量
◎薄度7.6 mm,重量112公克
◎上網時間,LTE/3G 8小時、Wi-Fi 10小時
◎搭載iOS 6作業系統
◎802.11 a/b/g/n,支援LTE網路
iPhone 5官方售價16 GB/199美金、32 GB/299美金、64 GB/399美金,
加拿大、英國、法國、德國、澳洲、日本、香港、新加坡,至於iPhone 5何時登台呢?外界估計,最快登台時間可能在11月底。
Well, folks, it’s official: The latest mobile phone offering from Apple has been officially revealed as the iPhone 5. The phone features many of the features long rumored to be included, like a new version of the connector and iOS 6 already installed, and should come as no surprise to anyone that’s been following the coverage closely. Even so, Apple fanatics will likely start lining up to preorder now though they won’t be available until this Friday, September 14th. Apple’s newest phone will then ship a week later on September 21st.
What exactly is different in this latest iteration, though? Here’s a quick and dirty rundown of the phone’s new features:
- 20% lighter and 18% thinner than iPhone 4S
- 1136×640 resolution 16:9 display that measures four inches
- Five rows of icons on homescreen due to larger size
- New A6 chip that’s twice as fast as the A5 in iPhone 4S
- Compatible with 4G networks outside the United States, including LTE
- Battery: 8 hours of 4G talk, 3G or 4G LTE web, 10 hours of video, 40 hours of music, and 225 hours on standby
- Camera: new dynamic low-light mode, panorama shots, shared photo streams
- FaceTime via cellular networks, finally
- New “Lightning” connector that can be plugged in at either orientation
The pricing will follow the typical Apple tiers of $199 for 16GB, $299 for 32GB, and $399 for 64GB. For anyone not looking to switch connectors, Apple will also be selling adapters for the old models.
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